Saturday, June 24, 2017

Session 15

Date Played: February 17, 2001

Moldain, 25th of Vatermont, 1,000 A.C.

Hamlin was invited to join the party. He is very willing but would like an equal share of whatever treasure they find. He realized he would not be sharing in the orc treasure, but he did ask to be outfitted as he no longer had any possessions of his own. The party agreed to purchase him a dagger, sling, and beltpouch of river stones so that he could be useful to them. He promised to pay them back from his first share of treasure. In order to travel at a normal pace, a small cart was purchased and hitched to the mule. The halflings would ride in the back while the others walked.

Nytdain, 26th of Vatermont, 1,000 A.C.

Early in the morning the party set off from Radlebb Keep eastward along the Westron Road. They traveled all day without incident or encounter.

Loshdain, 27th of Vatermont, 1,000 A.C.

Very early in the morning, at the end of Eric’s watch, he spotted a group of four men dressed in peasant’s clothes walking along the road to the west. They were armed with short swords and two of them carried large bundles in sacks. The contents of the sacks appeared to be very heavy. The men did not notice the party camping in the woods, but Eric still woke the others just in case. The men headed down the road in the direction from which the party came, then turned north along a forest trail. Although the party was curious, they did not investigate.

The party arrived in Specularum by late afternoon. Eric sought stabling for the mule at North Gate Ostlery (paying 1 gp for stable and storage of the cart for 1 week). The others headed into the city before the main gates closed, heading for the Lion’s Den Inn to meet with Portio. However, Portio was not to be found here. Eric and Markus set off to find him at the Crown of Halav Inn. Sure enough, Portio was celebrating there with friends of his, prior to the Festival of Lucor. They dragged him home to the Lion’s Den to get their room key back. However, Portio was in no shape to speak with them much. They decided to bring him upstairs and let him sleep it off. After dinner, the rest of the party also went up to sleep. Since Portio already had a room, Chow-Lin insisted that the men sleep in there and the women sleep in the party’s room. The inn was full so they really had no choice. Portio snored all night, much to the dismay of Hamlin, but Portio paid for it in the end.

Soladain, 28th of Vatermont 1,000 A.C.

After a rough night of sleep, the party headed down to eat breakfast. Portio was in pain for most of the morning hours, until Eric cast a spell of curing on him. The party then paid for a week’s additional lodging at the Lion’s Den for both rooms. Margo decided that now was the time to leave the party so she left quietly and without a goodbye. Gimble remained in the room, trying to get more sleep now that the room was empty. The rest of the party grabbed their potions and headed off to the alchemist’s shop. They paid to have all 9 of their potions identified (360 gp) and told it would take some time for this to be completed. Once they were done there, Chow-Lin headed off to the Magicians’ Guild to obtain training. Markus and Hamlin went to the local armory and purchased a small wooden shield and ordered a suit of leather armor which would take 2 days to make for Hamlin. The Halfling was also outfitted with a hand axe. Eric left Specularum and traveled north along the Duke’s Road until arriving home. There he discussed plans of training with his parents. His father warned him, however, that this would be the one and only time they would contribute to his training costs. In essence, Eric got to train for free to become an Initiate of the 1st Circle.

Chow-Lin met with the cantankerous old Guildmaster, Teldon, and arranged to learn a spell under his tutelage. She chose to learn identify. It cost her 1,500 gp in training costs and took one week of time. Eric only had to train for a week as well, but, as part of his payment, he had to attend to the daily duties of the Grove for a total time of one month before his training would be considered complete. Markus headed off into the city in search of training, but instead found the hooded men he ran from the first night in Specularum beating a poor man to death in an alley. He followed them and then decided to speak with them. He was led back to their headquarters (with a hood on his head to conceal its location) and there he was inducted into a group called the Veiled Society. He was given a hood and clothing to mark him as a member and told that he would be contacted with Guild business at their leisure. He was told to seek out Vittorio at the Blue Water Mead Hall for training in stealth and told that he was not permitted to work freelance in the city. They basically threatened Markus’s life if he decided to do anything against the wishes of the Society. He had to pay them 3,000 gp for his training, but got Thief Training this level.

Lunadain, 1st of Thaumont, 1,000 A.C.

This is the Festival of Lucor, a religious holiday celebrating the voyages of the cleric Lucor who sailed from Specularum decades ago. It also heralds the trading season. The Gnome Caravan departed on this day heading south towards Specularum along the Duke’s Road. The party began its training period.

Tserdain, 3rd of Thaumont, 1,000 A.C.

The alchemist had identified the first potion as a potion of mammal and avian control.

Nytdain, 5th of Thaumont, 1,000 A.C.

The alchemist had identified the second potion as a potion of sweet water.

Soladain, 7th of Thaumont, 1,000 A.C.

The party was trained at their new levels. Markus was now a Waghalter, Eric was an Initiate of the 1st Circle, and Chow-Lin was an Evoker. They were held to their payments and were accountable to their trainers until payment was made.

Lunadain, 8th of Thaumont, 1,000 A.C.

The alchemist had identified the third potion as a potion of zombie control, a rare brew which he is willing to pay 2,000 gp to obtain. Eric now began his 3 week period as a member of Druid Woodrue Hengemaster’s entourage, assisting in ceremonies and helping to tend to the Grove. The henge of the Druid was located about 12 miles south of the elven town of Rifllian in the eastern Radlebb woods.

Cast of Non-Player Characters

Margo, Gimble – halfling refugees
Hamlin Hoefurrow – halfling warrior of the Shires who has recently joined the party
Portio Vorloi – contact in Specularum and relation of Lord Vorloi, the party's patron
Teldon – Headmaster Wizard of the Magicians’ Guild in Specularum (trained Chow-Lin)
Vittorio – Assassin in the employ of the Veiled Society (trained Markus)
Veiled Society – mafia-like organization of thieves and assassins operating in Specularum
Druid Woodrue Hengemaster – Druid of the Grove near Rifllian in Radlebb woods (trained Eric)

Hamlin Hoefurrow of Mallowfern

History: Hamlin was born and raised in the halfling village of Mallowfern in Eastshire. His father taught him the way of the warrior and also taught him to train and raise ponies. However, Hamlin came under "the wanderlust" and decided to leave Mallowfern to see the world. Heading east into the hills of Karameikos, he made it to the town of Luln, selling a few of his own ponies to gain enough gold to purchase provisions, arms, and armor. However, in his first foray alone into the wilderness he was ambushed by a band of orcs and enslaved. Forced into chains and marched deep into the forest, Hamlin came to work in their caves, enlarging the tunnels to make new orc dwellings. He had been a captive for almost 5 months before being rescued.

Personality: Hamlin is a curious halfling who believes in honesty and courtesy. He treats anyone he speaks to as a friend until given reason to think otherwise. He is wise enough to know when to be quiet, and he is a fairly good fighter in a pinch, although admittedly not as good as his father.

Appearance: Hamlin stands 3’1”, weighing 63 pounds. He has brown curly hair that is rather thick, even for a halfling. His hair dominates his head, leaving only enough of his face clear to see his chin nose and eyes. His eyes are deep blue with long dark eyelashes. He usually can be seen smiling and likes to whistle to himself when happy.

Combat Notes: 1st level Fighter; AC 5 (leather armor, wooden shield, -2 Dex), hp 9, Mv 9”, #At 1, Dmg by hand axe (1-6), dagger (1-4) or sling stone (1-4), Str: 14, Int: 11, Wis: 14, Dex: 16, Con: 12, Chr: 6. As a halfling he gains +3 to hit with sling and short bow.

DUNGEON MASTER NOTES: Since not knowing what unlabeled potions do makes my paranoid players unwilling to even sip or test them, I decided that the local alchemist would be able to identify potions found (most of the time) for a flat fee of 40 gp, taking 1-3 days per potion to identify it. There is a small chance (5%) of the potion causing an explosion when tested (since I treat the alchemical process of potion breakdown basically the same as a miscibility mishap). This rarely happens to an experienced alchemist (I reduce chances by 1-4%). The side benefit is that the alchemist sometimes offers to buy potions he identifies from the party, resulting in more cash (and XP) for them. The downside is that the alchemist is only able to identify one potion at a time, and there is a 10-40% chance on any given day that he is otherwise involved in important business for someone else in town with a duration of 1-8 days.

Session 14

Date Played: December 23, 2000

Lunadain, 22nd of Vatermont, 1,000 A.C. (sometime around 8:30 pm)

Huddled close for warmth, the party and the escaped refugees from the orc lair decide to get as far away from the orcs as possible. The refugees were given some food and the party gathered together as much cloth as they could find to create makeshift clothing for the trek. Sacks and blankets were converted into tunics and footwear for the humans and halflings. They then broke camp and fled at a slow rate. The going was slow because of the condition of the refugees and the fact that they traveled in almost complete darkness (humans were led by Markus and the halflings while Eric tried his best to conceal the trail behind them). After traveling about 4 miles, they collapsed and slept a short while.

Gromdain, 23rd of Vatermont 1,000 A.C. (break camp at 8 am)

Breaking camp after a 4 hour rest period, the party marched on, although slightly faster now that the humans could see. The day was frigid and the refugees were suffering from the cold. Luckily there were no encounters. One of the humans had developed a pain in his feet, and it was sure to turn into frostbite unless the party could get him to a warm place and a healer quickly.

Tserdain, 24th of Vatermont, 1,000 A.C. (break camp at 6 am)

At first light, the party moved on, breaking through the trees in the midst of a snow flurry. A forced march brought them back to Radlebb Keep by early afternoon. Maribor and Torino left to report to their commanding officer while the rest of the party headed for the warmth and comfort of the Wolfsnarl Inn. The refugees sat by the fire, warming themselves. Everyone then ate a hearty meal, food for the refugees being provided by Chow-Lin’s generosity.

The party decided to talk to the refugees and try to get some idea of how they got captured and where they came from. Pietro, the youngest of the humans, was a lad from the nearby Radlebb village, a Traladaran settlement just northwest of the keep. He thanked the party profusely for dinner and then ran on home. Darius and Yuri were from Luln, the next town along the Westron Road to the west of the Keep. They were very happy to be rescued but they, like the others, had no clothing, food, or means of providing for themselves. They needed the basic necessities and the party seemed happy to provide them with some (well, at least Chow-Lin tried, Markus just kept wondering how much they were worth as slaves).

Eric left to get some help for the old man at the Keep. He was directed to speak with Prefect Davidian in the Keep’s Chapel of Vanya (Minerva). The Prefect gathered some herbal remedies and followed Eric back to the inn. There he tended to the old man’s frostbitten feet and gave him some herbal tea to help him sleep and heal. He then provided a sedative tea for the young woman who seemed to be in shock. The tea helped to calm her down, enough so that she could sleep. Arrangements were made for the old man and the woman to remain in the Prefect’s care at the Keep until they were healthy enough to move on. The others would have to be provided for by their rescuers as the provisions were tightly controlled at the Keep, in true military style.

Moldain, 25th of Vatermont, 1,000 A.C.

The party outfitted Darius, Yuri, Hamlin, Margo, and Gimble with clothes and food. Yuri and Darius thanked their rescuers and then headed off to Luln, hoping to make it there before nightfall. Chow-Lin’s generous donations of clothing and food will obviously be remembered. Hamlin, the only true adventurer out of the group of ex-slaves, was willing to continue his adventuring career with the party if they could help outfit him. Margo and Gimble simply wanted to leave, Gimble wanting to go home to the Shires and Margo to the big city of Specularum.

Future Plans

Since the party required training at this point, they decided to head back to Specularum. Once there they intend to see Gimble off on the next available boat to the Shires. Hamlin intends on sticking with the party. Markus still owes a great debt to the Assassin’s Guild in Luln. Unless he pays this off soon, he is likely to become a hunted man. Eric also owes a debt to his teacher, Rathamandaris, back at the Holy Oak. In addition, both Markus and Eric need to train to learn new skills. Markus now learns thieving skills, and Eric gains yet another spell level and the ability to identify plants, animals, and pure water. Chow-Lin has gained enough experience to warrant the learning of another first level spell. She may return to the Magician’s Guild in Specularum under the tutelage of the Guild Wizard.

The plan stands that the party will set off at the earliest convenient time to journey back to Specularum. Once there they could gain extra money by attempting to sell their map, or hold onto the map until it is completed to their satisfaction. The potions, gems, and jewelry they discovered will undoubtedly go towards their training costs. They will have to sell some of their potions if they require more coin. Perhaps they could find a moneylender in the city, or maybe Lord Vorloi would lend them the money required to complete their training. Of course, this means that they would be indebted to him and likely sent on another mission of his choosing instead of their own.

Cast of Non-Player Characters

Hamlin, Margo, Gimble – halfling refugees
Darius, Marion, Aster, Yuri, Pietro – human refugees (3 Thyatians/2 Traladarans)
Sub-Commander Maribor – warrior from Radlebb Keep who accompanied party to the orc lair.
Soldier Torino – man-at-arms under direct command of Sub-Commander Maribor.

DUNGEON MASTER'S NOTES: The party did very well in the orc lair, despite being defeated and captured. They managed to keep their cool and fight their way out – something they would never have attempted otherwise. During this adventure they managed to slay 1 worg, 21 orcs, 1 ogre, 1 orc chief (in his sleep), some orc hags, and 2 orc whelps. They escaped with 6,713.94 gp worth of treasure and the box of 8 potions Chow-Lin smuggled out of the chief's treasure chest. They received XP bonuses for rescuing 5 humans, 3 halflings, 4 goblins, and 3 kobolds, as well as mapping 36 hexes on their map of the Radlebb Woods. I granted 20 XP per hex mapped. After treasure division, the following XP awards were given:

Chow-Lin: 2,980

Markus: 2,928

Eric: 3,166 (gets +10% to earned XP)

Also note that the temple in Radlebb Keep was dedicated to Vanya (Minerva). I vacillated between using Roman gods and Mystaran gods in this setting. I see either as viable, and I've used the names interchangeably. Using the more familiar Roman names allows the players to more easily identify with the religion. Since the Church of Karameikos essentially is polytheistic, this works well.

We took an extended hiatus at this point due to holidays and other commitments. It would be 2 months before the group got back together again!

Session 13

Date Played: November 4, 2000

Lunadain, 22nd of Vatermont, 1,000 A.C. (sometime around 12 pm)

The party was surprised during a quick exploration of the tunnels leading northeast from the large underground cavern. Niedra and Markus faced off against two large, powerful orc guards who advanced threateningly. The party decided to fall back into the cavern to fight. The orcs were well-armored and wielded glaives. They lashed out at the party and quickly felled Torino and Markus. The party members seemed shocked and dismayed as the combat slowly turned against them without many blows struck against their foes. Luck seemed to be against them as two more party members, Niedra and Larwynn, fell under the orcish weapons. When three more orc guards entered the room, fresh for combat, they faced only Maribor, Chow-Lin, and Eric. Maribor was knocked unconscious rather quickly, leaving Chow-Lin and Eric to surrender.

The still living members of the party were hauled up by the orcs and carried/dragged down a north tunnel. Passing through some empty corridors lit by torches and through a barracks occupied by other orcs (including females and young), the party was brought in front of the chieftain, an obese orc sitting in a cart converted to be a large bed. The chieftain seemed pleased with Chow-Lin and kept her for his own amusment. The others were thrown into the slave pen near the entrance (along the unexplored eastern tunnel). The elves, Larwynn and Niedra, were not seen again (and are presumed deceased).

Chow-Lin was then attended by the orc chief’s harem, who arranged her hair and dress to a more "suitable" orcish fashion. Her face was smeared with “cosmetics” and she was left to sleep with the chief’s whelps on furs under the cart-bed. Chow-Lin, scared and in darkness, waited until the orcs drifted back to sleep. Luckily, no one noticed the serrated orc knife she had hidden in her robes. So, she waited and watched to make her move.

Eric found himself in a dank slave pen inhabited by ragged humans, halflings, goblins, and kobolds. He made the best of the situation and struck up a conversation with one of the halflings. He didn’t hear much that he couldn’t have already guessed. Luckily, the orcs had overlooked his silvered dagger hidden in his boot. With some sleep, he would be able to regain his spells and use them to escape this place. Before he could drift off to sleep, however, the door to the slave pen opened and the limp form of Markus was tossed in. Luckily, Markus was carrying the jar of healing ointment given to them by the elves. Eric was able to revive both Markus and Maribor using the ointment. Torino remained unconscious, although his wounds were bound. The party thought it best to retain the last application of ointment for an emergency. While Eric then drifted off to sleep, Markus spoke with the slaves about trying to attain freedom.

Meanwhile, Chow-Lin scurried about in the dark room trying to locate her candles and spellbook which were discarded in a heap of old clothing along the south wall. She dragged a pile of clothing over to the door and used the faint glimmer of torchlight from under the door to locate her cloak. Once she had both her cloak and backpack, she decided on a definite course of action. She lit a candle and explored around the room, looking for anything she could use, keeping the candle covered so that only she could see. Eventually, setting the candle down on a stool near the cart, she gripped her orc knife tightly and prepared to murder the orcs while they slept. Cautiously, she slit the throat of an orc hag, making sure to restrain the orc’s limbs to keep her from alerting the others. Then, partially climbing over the dead hag, she plunged the dagger into the chief's neck, immediately killing him as well. After this harrowing act, she then killed off the other two hags and the two whelps under the cart. Now at least she had time to explore in peace and not worry about sudden interruption from the orcs. Once more making a circuit around the room, she found a few items of interest. The first stop was the cart bed. The posts of the cart had been removed and nailed to the foot of the cart like bed posts. On each was a large horned animal skull hanging on a crossbeam. Draped over each crossbeam was a black cloth banner sporting a large red-colored rune of unknown meaning. The Chief apparently slept with a coin purse under his pillow, he wore a key chain around his neck, and a necklace of bear fangs (one of which was cut and carved with the symbol of an eye). The chief’s weapon, a large black-metal battle axe inscribed with the same rune in red hung on brackets alongside the cart-bed hidden from the door side. The vanity had some interesting items on it, among which were a silvered mirror bordered by brass oak leaf designs and a silver comb. Over this, hung on the wall, were two large, crossed battle axes. The pile of clothing in the southern portion of the room were all used and quite dirty. There was a chest tucked under the cart. Chow-Lin managed to drag the chest out quietly using some of the discarded clothes to cushion and muffle the noise. Using the key from the orc chief’s neck chain she unlocked the chest. Luckily it was not trapped. Inside were hundreds of coins and a few other treasures. Sitting atop the coins was a pair of gemstones, a wrought gold belt buckle in the form of a wreath of oak leaves, a pouch, and a wooden box. The pouch contained several gemstones of marble-size and the box contained potion vials packed in hay. Chow-Lin took what items she could carry (leaving the chest full of coins, and the key in the lock), and bedded down in the southern portion of the room, hiding in the mess of clothes on the floor.

After roughly four hours of rest, Chow-Lin and Eric awoke to begin memorizing their spells. Eric was just starting to pray for his last lesser spell when the orcs came to the door. They opened the lock and two orcs dressed in scale mail entered holding manacles. They yelled for the prisoners to get up. Markus and Maribor hid next to the door, hoping to conceal themselves. The orcs noticed Maribor but were oblivious to Markus. Then Eric cast his heat metal spell upon them. Behind the two orcs, a leader orc and the two door guards were looking in. By the time the orc slavers were glowing red hot and dying in their armor, the lead orc recognized Eric as a spell caster and started to withdraw cautiously from the doorway. The orcs didn’t get very far before Markus and Maribor, armed with their daggers, charged after them. Catching them at the short tunnel entrance of the guard room, the two warriors attacked the orc guards. A struggle ensued, but in the end the orc guards were killed off and the orc slave leader was charmed by Eric.

In the Chief’s chambers, a guard unlocked the door about an hour after Chow-Lin memorized her spells (sleep (x2) and magic missile). She managed to surprise both guards as the door opened, putting them to sleep with a spell. She then killed the orcs in their sleep using her trusty orcish knife. She grabbed a torch off the wall and cautiously made her way south into the barracks room. There she spotted four large orc guards asleep and an open door across the room from which she could hear various orc voices. Luckily, she ducked down and pretended to be asleep right before a pair of orc guards entered the room, grabbed something, and left again. She recovered her discarded torch and very carefully draped herself in orc clothes, stuffing her clothes with more material to make her look more orcish. She then kept her head down and shuffled out into the corridor. She passed a feasting hall and another closed door with the symbol of a blood red eye painted on it. Making her way into a dark corridor, she used her torch to light the way. Chow-Lin hesitated a bit near the orc guard post, but the orcs thought she was just another hag and allowed her to pass with only flirtatious attentions. She pretended to be a torch-lighter to get past the orcs in the main cavern beyond. Maintaining her disguise, she made it by another guard post and the long tunnel back towards the entrance.

Meanwhile, the charmed orc slaver organized the slaves at the behest of Eric, chained them together, and led them out of the smoky slave pen. Under Eric’s deceptions, the orc slaver managed to convince the guards at the entrance that the slaves were being sold to “slave dealers.” Markus went along with the deception as well, using his orcish language skills to better “convince” (threaten) the guards. The slaves then followed Maribor (who was carrying Torino on his shoulder) back to the camp 2 miles south of the orc lair. Eric and Markus followed the orc slaver back to the north tunnel in the hopes of freeing Chow-Lin. Along the way, the small group of supposed slavers were questioned and glared at but not attacked. Chow-Lin and the rest of the party met up in a small tunnel connecting two large caverns filling with orcs going about their nightly business. Miraculously, the party was then able to leave the orc lair unmolested. Bidding goodbye to the orc slaver, they made their way back to the camp.

At the camp, they found Maribor and Torino, as well as the halfling and human slaves, but there was no sign of the kobolds or goblins. Apparently, Maribor tricked the humanoids into fighting each other over some food and they ran after each other into the night. Chow-Lin divested herself of the orcish garments and related the tale of her harrowing escape from the chief’s chambers to the others. Her “new hairstyle” drew some giggles from the others, but it seemed they were safe here for a while.

Consequences of the Escape:

After the battle that resulted in the party’s capture, various items were lost. Eric, Markus, Maribor, Chow-Lin and Torino all lost their original weapons. However, Markus had a hidden dagger in a wrist sheath and Eric maintained a silvered dagger in his boot. Chow-Lin had picked up an orcish blade in the kitchen area and hid it in her robes. Those items now missing include: Eric’s spear; Markus’ crossbow, boltcase, and long sword; Chow-Lin’s quarterstaff; Maribor’s short sword and hand axes; and Torino’s short sword and javelins. Although the packs were not lost, Chow-Lin did lose a flask of oil due to breakage, and two applications of healing ointment were used to revive Maribor and Markus. Chow-Lin, in her haste to escape, left behind the unlocked chest filled with coins as well as the key used to open the chest. The black battle axe was also left behind in the chief’s chambers. It was noted by those captured in the slave pens that elves were neither captured nor eaten, so it is safe to assume that Larwynn and Niedra are both dead. The orcs were typically up and mobile at this time of night (roughly 8 pm by the time the party gets back to camp) so they would probably discover the dead orcs in the chief’s chambers fairly soon. The party has not escaped the orcs’ wrath just yet!

Cast of Non-Player Characters

Larwynn Grunalf – Calarii elf fighter/magic-user, presumed dead at the hands of the orcs.
Niedra Erendyl – Calarii elf thief, presumed dead at the hands of the orcs.
Sub-Commander Maribor – warrior from Radlebb Keep; accompanied party to the orc lair.
Soldier Torino – man-at-arms under direct command of sub-commander Maribor.
Zulrik – orc slave master charmed by Eric; left behind in the orc lair.

Session 12

Date Played: October 7, 2000

Lunadain, 22nd of Vatermont, 1,000 A.C. (sometime around 10 am)

The party decided to explore behind the curtain in the northeastern part of the large northern cavern. Niedra was sent to watch the southern passage to make sure they weren’t being followed; Torino and Larwynn kept watch over the northwestern tunnel to make sure that no one caught them unawares. Then the rest of the party organized themselves across from the curtain. Eric drew it aside, surprising a group of sleeping orcs. One of them was startled awake by the sudden light, but was so shocked to see the party that he couldn’t react before Markus shot him with his crossbow. Although this didn’t kill him immediately, the second shot did him in without making enough noise to awaken anyone else. The party quietly entered the cave beyond and killed off 3 more orcs in their sleep. Once the gruesome task was finished, several of the party members searched through the belongings of the dead orcs and found a total of 130 sp in four pay pouches. After determining that there was little left of this place to search, the party regrouped at the northwestern tunnel.

Markus and Niedra did some advance scouting down the northwest tunnel and found themselves in a large cave. Nearly tripping over the latrine cover, Markus quickly checked the other passages from the cave to make sure their presence wasn’t detected. A northern passage had a cool breeze coming from it; a western tunnel looked like it held quite a number of slumbering forms. The party thought it better to skirt the inhabited cave and headed north down the tunnel. Descending slightly over some distance, the party eventually came upon an orcish guard post. Four orc guards stood on alert, spears at the ready. Although not surprised, the party was in no position to present much of a defense as the tunnel here was very narrow. Three of the orcs approached to engage in melee, but not before Eric was able to outline three of them in faerie fire. Chow-Lin was also able to blind one of them with her light spell. After a short, 7-minute skirmish, the party advanced upon the remaining orc and slew him. Beyond the orcs the tunnel opened into a circular cave with another tunnel leading out to the north.

Following the tunnel, the party happened upon a large cavern, filled with puddles, and littered with broken stalactites and stalagmites. Some of these cave formations had been carved and cut to resemble low tables and stools or benches. The cave had numerous exits, too many to safeguard if an alarm was sounded. Niedra and Markus were again chosen to scout ahead. Choosing the closest tunnel along the right-hand wall, they listened for noise and heard some creature either eating or drinking something. They got a quick look at it and quickly decided to retreat. The creature seemed to smell their approach and went forth to investigate. Markus and Niedra retreated to the safety of the circular cavern with the other party members and prepared an ambush. Lining themselves along the walls, they hoped to lure it in and surprise it. Their ambush worked well, surprising the large humanoid (identified as an ogre). Markus attempted to backstab it, but failed. A short struggle of 3-minute duration ensued. Luckily, no one in the party was injured and the ogre was surrounded and killed. Investigation of the ogre revealed no wealth, only a horrible stench. The ogre was left in the cave and the party pressed on back towards his tunnel. Markus and Niedra scouted ahead and found another tunnel. However, the multiple voices heard from beyond indicated more trouble. So the party retreated from this place and tried the northeastern tunnel which split after a short distance into a 3-way intersection. Unfortunately, the party was spotted by a pair of orc guards who were able to call into one of the tunnels for reinforcements. Things didn’t look so good for our heroes…

Cast of Non-Player Characters

Larwynn Grunalf – Calarii elf fighter/magic-user, accompanied party to the orc lair
Niedra Erendyl – Calarii elf thief, accompanied party to the orc lair
Sub-Commander Maribor – warrior from Radlebb Keep accompanied party to the orc lair
Soldier Torino – man-at-arms under direct command of sub-commander Maribor